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History: Writing for History

Welcome to the Glucksman Library guide supporting the Department of History in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences in the University of Limerick



Study Skills Handbook

Feeling the pressure?

Writing can be a stressful exercise. It does not need to be an overly stressful exercise though. Students all across the world can attest to feeling like the student in the above photo. 

What we are aiming to do is to provide a simple guide to the writing process. Below you will find links to a short Writing for History guide as well as a sample essay that best characterises the fundamentals of writing history essays in UL. 

Help is on hand if you need it. You can consult the writing guide below, speak with your tutor or lecturer, or pop into discuss your writing process with the friendly peer tutors in the Regional Writing Centre. 

Writing for History guide

The UL Regional Writing Centre

Writing spaces, one to one peer tutoring, workshops tailored towards first years, mature students, FYP writing etc.

Drop in (Room C1-065),Tel: +353 - 61 - 202607 or book an appointment here

Essay writing workshops

Writing Centre FAQ's