If the book is out on loan, you can place a request on it, if there are no other copies available to borrow.
Borrowing from other libraries? Request an Interlibrary loan - Available to Staff, Postgraduates & 4th Year Undergraduates ONLY.
Recommend a book? - Contact the Arts, Humanitites & Social Science's Librarian if you would like to recommend a book we should buy for the library.
Found a great book you think would be perfect for our collection?
Just email Pattie Punch to make a suggestion
Reference items are helpful for finding background information; definitions and spelling; facts and figures; translations; statistics and topical overviews of subjects. Reference books can be found both in print and online.
The Glucksman Library uses the Dewey Classification scheme for most subjects. Use the Library Search to see if the item is available in the library, you can refine your search to "On the Shelf" to see only those items that are on the shelf at the time of your search. Note the shelfmark and then go to the shelf to locate the book.
Books and eBooks are listed in the Library Search, our resource discovery service. Useful titles in Sociology include:
Found a great book you think would be perfect for our collection?
Just email Pattie Punch to make a suggestion
The domestic, moral and political economies of post-Celtic Tiger Ireland: what rough beast?
Available in Short loan 306.0941709/KEO
Management and gender in higher education