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Collection Development & Management Policies: Donations / Gifts


The Glucksman Library welcomes donations or monetary gifts to purchase materials in memory of an individual or to commemorate an accomplishment.  The library will acknowledge gifts by sending a letter to the person or organisation designated by the donor.  A customised memorial bookplate may be placed in the donated item(s).

Individuals interested in making a gift to the library may contact the appropriate faculty librarian.

Where donations have been made for the purchase of materials in a specific subject area the library will endeavour to source and to purchase any items especially identified by the donor where the material is pertinent to the curricular and research efforts of the university.


The Library welcomes offers of gifts and donations. Material offered will be considered for addition to stock according to the same selection criteria that are applied to purchases of new material. Donations which would support current teaching, and/or complement existing research strengths of the university are welcome.  For reasons of cost and storage the Library reserves the right to accept or decline donations and will balance the value of the donation against the costs of cataloguing and storing the material. The following criteria will be taken into account: Level of duplication of existing stock, physical condition, processing requirements (e.g. binding, repair, conservation), acquisition implications (e.g. display equipment, space, special storage requirements, staff support), restrictions set by donor, currency, scholarly and commercial value, overall cost of addition to stock, and overall desirability.

Financial contributions towards the costs of processing and maintenance are always welcome. Where benefactors wish to donate or bequeath funds to be spent on the purchase and/or processing of items for collections, this process is organised through the University of Limerick Foundation. A donation can be accepted on the basis of a donation agreement, signed by the Library Director/his or her nominee, and the donor. Once accepted, unless otherwise stipulated in conditions made at the point of offer, the Library regards donated material as its own property, and reserves the right to keep or dispose of material at its discretion without further reference to the donor.

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