Training and optimal health for sports by Fitzgibbon, ShaneCall Number: Open Shelves 612.044 FIT
ISBN: 9781782371717
Publication Date: 2011
Training and Optimal Health for Sport may well be a unique book in that no matter what sporting background the reader comes from, there will be something new and pertinent to learn. It immediately engages the reader with its conversational style and retains interest throughout. This new resource proves itself as a critical training aid for anyone interested in optimal health and sports performance. The author, Shane Fitzgibbon, has drawn on his 20 years of international, competitive and coaching, experience to produce a book that wipes out many myths and replaces them with rational and proven training methods. He explores topics such as warming-up and cooling-down, strength training, nutrition and even sports psychology, etc...Exercise principles are explained clearly enough for the novice to understand, yet the chapters contain enough background science to satisfy the professional.