Scholarly journals have articles written by researchers who are considered experts in a field. These journals are also known as "peer-reviewed," "refereed" or "academic" journals. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is a scholarly journal.
Popular magazines have articles written by writers or journalists. Time or Newsweek are examples of popular journals.
Your reading list may contain many journal articles. These will mainly be available electronically but some may be available in print as well, or occasionally in print only.
Okay, so your first assignment is due shortly and not sure how to start it?
The purpose of this guide is to make you aware of the range of available print and online resources at your disposal. The following list below will assist you in completing it by the deadline.
Library databases are electronic catalogs or indices, contain information about published items, and are searchable.
As part of the Literature Review it's worth checking to see if any graduate dissertations on your research topic have been submitted to UK and Irish universities for examinership. Dissertation Abstracts is an international database which will only provide abstracts and not full text.