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Management & Marketing: Books

Print & Electronic Books

The Glucksman Library uses the Dewey Classification scheme for most subjects.  Use the Library Search to see if the item is available in the library,  refine your search to "On the Shelf" to see  items that are on the shelf at the time of your search.  Note shelfmark and then go to the shelf to locate the book.

The print books for your subject area are on Floors One and  Two of the Glucksman Library and located at the following shelf marks.

Entrepreneurship - 338.04
General Management - 658
Organization - 658.1
Financial Management - 658.1
Executive Management - 658.4
Project Management - 658.404
Marketing - 658.8
Consumer Behaviour - 658.8342
Advertising - 659


E-books can be accessed by through Library Search.

Recommend a Book!

Found a great book you think would be perfect for our collection?

Just email peterreilly to make a suggestion

Finding a book or Ebook in the Library

Cannot Find What You Are Looking For?

If the book is out on loan, you can place a request on it, if there are no other copies available to borrow.

Is the book not at the library at all? -  Contact the Information Desk (who will advise on the next steps).

Borrowing from other libraries?  Request an Interlibrary Loan - Available to Staff, Postgraduates & 4th Year Undergraduates ONLY.

Recommend a book? - Contact the Business School Librarian if you would like to recommend a book we should buy for the library.


Librarian, Kemmy Business School

Profile Photo
Peter Reilly
+353 61 23 4380

Room No: GL0-032

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