All University of Limerick Research Theses as well as selected Taught Masters are deposited in the University of Limerick’s Research Repository.
Students retain copyright for their theses and are free to publish or distribute their thesis elsewhere. Since an e-thesis is disseminated widely via the internet, it could be considered a publication. The United Kingdom Council of Research Repositories (UKCORR) maintains a list of monograph publishers' policies with respect to open access theses and prior publication.
If you have identified a publisher then it is best practice to contact them about their policies around Open Access theses. If your publisher considers the e-thesis a prior publication then you should request an embargo on your e-thesis.
While the UL Research Repository is an open access repository for scientific and scholarly publications in digital form, it should be noted that access to items deposited in UL's Research Repository can be restricted or embargoed if required. For an embargo to be applied the author must have applied for and received an embargo on their thesis. Instructions on how to apply for an embargo are on the Graduate and Professional Studies website.
All Research Masters and Ph.D. thesis are passed to the library by the Graduate School following the graduations. Where there is no embargo, theses are made available in hardcopy for consultation in the library, and electronically on our open access Research Repository. Full details on how to submit your thesis are available from the Graduate School. Contact the UL Research Repository administration for information on depositing the electronic version of your thesis.