The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance provides a space where musicians, dancers, composers, singers, conductors and choreographers explore together. At the Academy, musicologists and choreologists research alongside live performance.
Irish Music Rights Organisation is a national organisation that administers the performing right in copyright music in Ireland on behalf of its members - songwriters, composers and music publishers - and on behalf of the members of the international overseas societies that are affiliated to it.
Lists Irish Postgraduates theses and dissertations in musicology at PhD, MLit and MA levels. Includes theses that have been submitted or are currently in progress at universities and third level colleges in the Republic of Ireland; are by the members of the society of musicology in Ireland; or which have been submitted or are in progress at universities elsewhere but are directly related to music in Ireland.
Librarian: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences; Irish World Academy of Music and Dance; European Documentation Centre
A drum kit is perfect for venting frustration after a hard day at the office. Use your mouse to click over a photo of the enigmatic Ken's skins and out blasts the appropriate sample. Learn to use the more responsive keyboard instead for more complicated sounds.
There are plenty of music notation sites but this is one of the few free ones and it offers most of the functions of its paid-for rivals. Enter notes with a music keyboard or Midi synth plugged into the computer and watch as you what you play is faithfully produced on a stave.
This simple site presents you with an animated laptop and a beat already playing. Start tweaking and twisting it, add new rhythms and loops and away you go. There are online tutorials and forums to help you explore the full depth of the software