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Staff Development: Performance Development Review (PDR)

Information for Library staff in support of professional development

UL PDR System

The University of Limerick is committed to the Performance and Development Review System (PDRS) to ensure the alignment of team and individual objectives with the University's strategic priorities. The overall focus of the system is on improving performance and enhancing professional/career development.


Workshops are provided for Managers/Supervisors who are responsible for conducting 1-1 Review Meetings with direct reports. For upcoming training dates view the Training Schedule 

NEW MEMBERS OF STAFF are required to attend a Short Workshop (PDR Reviewee) which will introduce you to the system as it operates in UL. For upcoming training dates view the Training Schedule 

All staff should have a PDR every year, and this years should be completed any time between 1 November and 31 October.  If you have not already completed your PDR, contact your manager to schedule one.

PDRs at UL

PDRs Documents

PDRs Approved Forms

PDR Presentation Reviewee

Preparing for a PDR

Preparing for the PDR

You have at least four weeks between arranging the meeting and the date of the meeting, for preparation work.

When preparing for the PDR meeting by reading the PDR Form and writing some notes, allow time for careful consideration of the issues for each reviewee. Your academic unit/service unit may have its own forms, please check with the appropriate person.

The following points will help you to structure the meeting.

Review Last Year's Performance

  • last 12 months, not career history

  • read job description

  • read last years PDR

  • consider major projects/changes etc

  • note specific examples

  • collect facts, figures, dates etc

  • find things to praise

  • talk to their 'customers'

    Consider Objectives

  • acknowledge workload

  • consider their abilities/careers aspirations

  • consider direction of academic unit/service unit

  • make a list of possible SMART objectives for discussion

  • prepare to explain academic unit/service unit priorities

    Outline Personal Development Plan

  • consider their potential and career aspirations

  • be realistic and honest

  • consider opportunities within and outside department/organisation

  • compare their performance with your ideal

  • be creative (secondments, shadowing, work based projects etc.)