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Staff Development: Training Organisations

Information for Library staff in support of professional development

National body for leading and advising on the enhancement of teaching and learning in Irish Higher Education


Online Computer Library Center OCLC and its member libraries cooperatively produce and maintain WorldCat, the largest online public access catalog (OPAC) in the world.

The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) is the leading professional body for librarians, information specialists and knowledge managers in the United Kingdom

The National Open Research Forum (NORF) webinar series on Open Research In Ireland.

The National Open Research Forum (NORF) was established in 2017 to drive the Irish agenda for open research.

NORF prepared Ireland’s National Framework on the Transition to an Open Research Environment, launched by the Government of Ireland in July 2019. The role of NORF is to propose national actions to address the challenges of changing the Irish research system to strengthen, promote or better support open research practices as outlined in the National Framework. NORF is currently developing a National Action Plan for the transition to an open research environment. 

Academic & Special Libraries  (A&SL) are a section of the Library Association of Ireland (LAI).  It caters for the needs of librarians and information professionals working in academic, research, not-for-profit, corporate and other specialist libraries. The ASL annual conference is the centre of our annual events series and takes place in February every year

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National Information Standards Organization, a not-for-profit membership organization that identifies, develops, maintains, and publishes technical standards to manage information. Learn more in What We Do.

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The Department of Information Studies at Aberystwyth University offers CILIP-accredited postgraduate courses in Information and Library Studies; Archives and Records Management; and Digital Information and Media Management. Courses are available in both full time and distance learning formats.

For details and how to apply, please see: and for general information about DIS see:

If you have any questions please contact Director of Admissions Dr Sarah Higgins

CONUL is a consortium of Ireland’s main research libraries. Its mission is to develop and improve the library and information services of the CONUL members through the exchange of experience and the organisation of cooperative activities.

Library Association of Ireland is a professional body representing librarians which organises occasional conferences, meetings and workshops.

Very good News blog

An extensive course schedule and a variety of self-service tools/guides, each of which only takes about 5 mins.

RLUK’s Digital Shift Forum brings together colleagues from across the information, research, cultural and heritage communities, and third and commercial sectors, to discuss the future of the digital shift in collections, services, and audiences. 


The RLUK Digital Shift Forum attracts speakers and participants from around the world. One of its key aims is to bring colleagues together from across the library, information, cultural, and research communities to discuss the future of the digital shift and identify ways that we might work across sectors, professional boundaries, and national borders. You can catch up with our previous events here

The Health Sciences Libraries Group is a section of the Library Association of Ireland.

Library Juice Academy offers a range of online professional development workshops for librarians and other library staff, focusing on practical topics to build new skills.

It runs an annual conference in the spring and a One-Day Conference and Forum in the late autumn. It also runs regular seminars, webinars and training courses. It supports an active email discussion list, lis-e-resources a forum in which members can exchange and discuss industry news and developments.

Free resources to help library staff level up and learn new skills.  Libraryskills is a curated collection of free learning resources.
This site was created by Artefacto in order to help library and information staff learn new skills and find good, self-paced learning resources available online.

LIR HEAnet User Group for Libraries aims to explore and develop awareness of electronic information resources and to promote the use of the HEAnet network in exploiting these resources.

An important part of SCONUL’s role is to help build leadership capacity within the sector and to support library leaders in their own leadership development. In 2016 we set up a Leadership Task and Finish Group to deliver on the objectives set out in the SCONUL Strategy 2016-19. On 2 October 2017, the Group published the outcomes of its work, including research, briefing for members and new services.