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Reading Lists: 2. Adding Items to A Reading List

Adding Content

Building your Reading List will provide easy access to online resources including e-books, articles, and databases, safe and secure links to external web pages and embedded multimedia, access to the Library catalogue for print material, and scanned access-friendly extracts of prime texts.


You can choose to build your reading list in several ways:

Adhering to Copyright Law

Copyright applies to all categories of works, irrespective of format.  This includes newer formats such as computer programmes, databases and websites.  It should not be assumed that because material is freely available on the web, copyright laws do not apply.  Putting others' images or articles that are still in copyright into a VLE or intranet without their explicit permission is copyright infringement because you are indirectly providing multiple copies.  However there are some options available to you.

Consideration must always be given to whether the commercial or moral rights of the author will be affected by making copies of an item.  If in doubt, the simplest option may be to request written permission from the copyright holder.

You may make material available in a VLE under the following conditions:

  • It is for the purposes of an examination or assessed work which contributes to the student's final mark, however the material should be removed from the VLE after the exam.
  • It is a transcribed extract from, or reference to, a source and is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement.
  • You own the copyright or the material is out of copyright.
  • You may provide links to freely available websites.
  • You may provide links to electronic resources to which the institution subscribes, if the licence agreement allows it.
  • It is covered by the ICLA Digital Scanning and Intranet Extension for Certain Works Published in Ireland.
  • As multiple copying in print is permitted by the ICLA educational licence, you may provide a print course pack to accompany your VLE.
  • You request written permission from the copyright holder to include it in the VLE.

Library Search

Adding resources from the library catalogue

1. Click the Plus icon.

2. Open Library Search from the sidebar

3. Type the name of a source into the search box, or use the dropdown menu to refine your search to a particular source or collection e.g. Books/eBook, Articles, or Special Collections.

TipUse the Advanced Search feature to find a particular source by searching for the title and author. 

Cite It!

Cite It!

Install the Cite it! plug-in to import information about an item from a website e.g. Amazon, Library Search, ScienceDirect, etc. with ease

  • Click on the settings icon (represented by the gear-cog) on the top right of the screen and select Cite it (as seen above)
  • Drag and drop the Cite it! button to your browser toolbar
  • Find a relevant item on your chosen website and click on Cite it! button in your browser toolbar
  • Add this to my collection pop-up appears containing the details of the item
  • Select the appropriate Type for your item from the drop-down menu
  • Click on the Collect button

Upload a File

Uploading your own resources. 


Upload a File and add it to your reading list with the option of adding a note to your students.

Notes can be used to highlight relevant sections in a source, provide guidance on when to consult the source e.g. before a lecture, or insert comments.


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