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Cite It Right: Guide to Harvard Referencing Style: Course Material / Data / Electronic Communication / Images

This is the online version of the 4th edition of the Glucksman Library's Cite It Right: Guide to Harvard Referencing Style.

Course Material

Check with the individual lecturer whether or not you are permitted to cite these as sources. It is more academically sound to return to the sources referenced by your lecturer rather than to the lecture itself.


Course Material – Print

Such as study guides and books of readings

Author(s) or Tutor(s) name, initial(s). (year) ‘Title of item’, Module Code: Module Title, Institution, unpublished.

Ní Bheacháin, C. (2001) ‘Guide to referencing’, CM5203: Communications, University of Limerick, unpublished.

... (Ní Bheacháin 2001) ...


Course Material – Electronic

Learning Management System or Virtual Learning Environment such as Sulis, Moodle, WebCT, Blackboard …

Author(s) or Tutor(s) name, initial(s). (year) ‘Title of item’, Module Code: Module Title, available: web address [accessed date].

Jones, T. (2005) ‘Week 7: dissertation preparation materials’, AH4113: Concepts, Sources and Methods in Archaeology, available: [accessed 16 Nov 2006].

… (Jones 2005) …


Lecture Notes

Author(s) or Tutor(s) name, initial(s). (year) ‘Title of lecture’, Module Code: Module Title, date, Institution, unpublished.

Gordon, S. (2007) ‘Data analysis in practice’, MA4222: Data Analysis, 7 Feb, University of Limerick, unpublished.

... (Gordon 2007) ...


Public Folder

Author(s) or Tutor(s) name, initial(s). (year) ‘Title of item’, Module Code: Module Title [online], available: location of folder [accessed date].

Bucholz, M. (2006) ‘Stan Allen field conditions’, AR4031: History and Theory 1 [online], available: University of Limerick public folders [accessed 03 Aug 2007].

… (Bucholz 2006) …


Image – Published in Print

Including figures, illustrations, photos, graphs, diagrams, tables etc. In this case reference the source of the image, for example a table in a book. Adapt the example according to the type of source. Give the image description at the end of the reference, i.e. image, illus., fig., table, graph, photograph, painting, map.

Creator(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of the Book which contains the image [type of image], Place of Publication: Publisher, page.

Note, M. (2011) Managing image collections: a practical guide [table], Oxford: Chandos, 48.

... (Note 2011) ...


Image – Electronic

Creator or Owner of website (year of publication) Title of Image [type of image], available: web address [accessed date].

Coca-Cola (2015) Coca-Cola bottles [image], available: [accessed 08 Jul 2016].

... (Coca-Cola 2015) ...


Map – Print

Author(s) or Compiler(s) or Producer(s) name, initial(s). of map (year of publication) Title of map [map], sheet number, scale, Place of Publication: Publisher (Series).

Ordnance Survey (2001) Clare, Limerick, Tipperary [map], sheet 65, 1:50,000, Dublin: Ordnance Survey (Discovery Series).

... (Ordnance Survey 2001) ...


Map – Electronic

Author(s) or Compiler(s) or Producer(s) name, initial(s). of map (year of publication) Title of map [map], scale, available: web address [accessed date].

Ordnance Survey (2016) Limerick [map], 1:25,000, available:,558481,656919,8,10 [accessed 05 Apr 2016].

... (Ordnance Survey 2016) ...

If referencing Google Maps, use the “Share / Link” icon to get the correct URL.

Google Maps (2016) University of Limerick [map], available:,-8.5766729,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x485b5e98212e5873:0xca7febf3aac3fc2d?hl=en [accessed 05 Apr 2016].

… (Google Maps 2016) …


Artwork – Physical

Artist(s) or Creator(s) name, initial(s). (year of creation) Title of the work, medium, dimensions, collection, city: institution/gallery name, accession number used by the gallery to catalogue the work.

Cezanne, P. (c.1874) Auvers: village panorama, oil on canvas, 65cm x 81cm, Mr and Mrs Lewis L. Coburn Collection, Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 1933.422.

... (Cezanne c.1874) ...

When referring to an image of an artwork in a book or other source, reference the source containing the image in your reference list or bibliography. Refer to the original artwork in italics in your text, followed by the citation to the source of the image with a page number if possible.

Auvers: Village Panorama (Smith 2007, p.18) …


Artwork – Electronic

Artist(s) or Creator(s) name, initial(s). (year of creation) Title of the work [type of image], available: web address [accessed date].

Titian (1520-3) Bacchus and Ariadne [painting], available: [accessed 14 Jul 2016].

… (Titian 1520-3) …

Electronic Communication

Blog (Weblog)

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of posting) ‘Title of blog post’, Blog Title, date of posted entry, available: web address [accessed date].

Bishop, D. (2012) 'How to bury your academic writing', BishopBlog, 26 Aug, available: [accessed 14 Jul 2016].

... (Bishop 2012) ...


Social Media & Networking Sites (including Facebook)

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of posting) Title of page, date and time of posted message, available: web address [accessed date].

National Library of Ireland (2016) National Library of Ireland, 13 Jul 13:11, available: [accessed 14 Jul 2016].

... (National Library of Ireland 2016) ...

Ferguson, K. (2013) Google apps for education, 24 Jun 09:36, available: [accessed 14 Jul 2016].

... (Ferguson 2013) ...



Author(s) name, initial(s). (@username) (year of posting) Text of tweet in its entirety [Twitter], date and time of tweet, available: web address [accessed date].

Secker, J. (@jsecker) (2013) Communication is vital to being cited. Can't just assume if you write an article then people will read it. Be proactive! #LSENetED [Twitter], 29 May 15:31, available: [accessed 10 Mar 2016].

... (Secker 2013) ...


Discussion Board / Forum

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of posting) ‘Title of message’, Title of Discussion Board or Forum, date of posted message, available: web address [accessed date].

Posties, D. (2016) ‘Bankruptcy and the lower-middle class, c.1750-1903’, H-Albion: The H-Net Discussion Network for British and Irish History, 17 Jan, available: [accessed 14 Jul 2016].

… (Posties 2016) …


Mailing List

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of posting) ‘Title of message’, Title of Mailing List, date of message, available: email address [accessed date].

Gadd, E. (2016) ‘What does a citation actually mean?’, Lis-Bibliometrics, 03 Jul, available: [accessed 14 Jul 2016].

... (Gadd 2016) ...


Web Document with an Author

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of document, Title of publication or webpage, available: web address [accessed date].

O’Connell, C. (2013) Ecologist works biodiversity data hub to protect Ireland’s flora and fauna, SiliconRepublic, available: [accessed 25 Mar 2016].

… (O’Connell 2013) …


Web Document with No Author and No Date

Title of document (n.d.) Author of website, available: web address [accessed date].

Ireland's plants (n.d.), available: [accessed 05 Apr 2016].

… (Ireland’s plants n.d.) …

The ‘author’ of a website refers to the organisational author, not to the individual who may have designed or created the site. Use the site’s logo and banner to identify the organisational author.


Webpage of an Organisation or Company

Author(s) of website (year of publication) Title of webpage, available: web address [accessed date].

Ireland, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (2013) Re-use of public sector information, available: [accessed 16 Mar 2016].

… (Ireland, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform 2013) …


Kingspan (2016) Kingspan KoolDuct streamlines space, available: [accessed 14 Jul 2016].

… (Kingspan 2016) …

The ‘author’ of a webpage refers to the organisational author, not to the individual who may have designed or created the site. Use the site’s logo and banner to identify the organisational author.



Name of wiki (year of publication) Title of page, available: web address [accessed date and time].

Wikipedia (2016) Global warming, available: [accessed 05 Apr 2016, 14:22].

... (Wikipedia 2016) ... 


Published Dataset – Print

Creator(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) ‘Title of dataset’ in Editor(s) or Compiler(s) name, initial(s). of book containing table ed(s). [or comp(s).], Title of book, ed. [if not first], Place of publication: Publisher, Version/Number [if available], page number(s).

Denzel, M.A. (2010) ‘Hamburg exchange rates on London, Amsterdam, Paris and Copenhagen’ in Denzel, M.A., Handbook of World Exchange Rates, 1590-1914, Farnham: Ashgate, 4.1.1, 207-212.

… (Denzel 2010) …


Published Dataset – Electronic

Creator(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication) Title of dataset [format], Version/Number [if available], Publisher/Institution, available: doi [or web address if no doi] [accessed date if no DOI or handle].

Irino, T. and Tada, R. (2009) Chemical and mineral compositions of sediments from ODP Site 127‐797 [dataset], V.2.1, Geological Institute, University of Tokyo, available:

… (Irino and Tada 2009) …

Central Statistics Office (2015) Girls names registered in Ireland by name, year and statistic [dataset], VSA11, Central Statistics Office, Ireland, available: [accessed 05 Aug 2016].

… (Central Statistics Office 2015) …


Unpublished Data

Creator(s) name, initial(s). (year of creation) [Description of study topic], unpublished.

Doyle, M. (2013) [Survey of colleague responses to introduction of flexitime], unpublished.

… (Doyle 2013) …