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Referencing & Citation Tools: Introduction

The Glucksman Library's guide to referencing and using EndNote in the University of Limerick.

EndNote is a type of reference management software which allows you to create your own reference database and then to use that database to generate a bibliography in your papers, books and theses. It is available in both Desktop and Online versions with EndNote 21 being the current Desktop version. The EndNote supplier is Clarivate Analytics.


Difference between EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online

There are 2 EndNote applications. EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online. Both do the same basic job of collecting references into a library and integrating with Microsoft Word to allow you to cite easily (Cite while you Write)

  • EndNote Desktop is installed on your computer and will only work on that computer. EndNote desktop is more powerful but there is more to learn with it. When EndNote is installed it automatically inserts the Cite While you Write plugin into Microsoft Word. We currently offer support for the EndNote 21 version
  • EndNote Online is a web based version of EndNote. Your Reference library is stored in the online application and not on your computer. To cite using EndNote online you must download the EndNote Online plugin and when citing in word you need to be connected to the internet. You must register for this separately. Your UL login details do not automatically create an account for you.

You can use both applications and sync them to give you greater flexibility. 


Registering for EndNote Online

EndNote Online recently added Capcha security to their registration form. Unfortunately Capcha is not compatible with Ezproxy. Students need to sign up either using Ezproxy or from a UL networked computer in order to access Harvard UL citation style in EndNote. The following work around allows students to register for EndNote online through Ezproxy by setting up an account with the Web of Science, EndNote’s parent company.

1.    Go to the library webpage and click on ‘Login to UL e-resources’
2.    Login with your username and password
3.    On the library’s list of a-z databases go to ‘W’ and select the Web of Science
4.    The Web of Science is the parent company that own EndNote 
5.    In web Of Science on the top right hand corner you will see the ‘Sign in’ link. Click on the arrow beside this and select register.
6.    Follow the instructions to register your account.
7.    Once you have registered you can now access EndNote
8.    On the top of your screen click on the link to ‘EndNote’
9.    You may be asked to agree to the terms and conditions. Once you have agreed you will have completed your EndNote Online Registration

Harvard UL - EndNote Online

To add Harvard UL to EndNote online
1.    In EndNote online click on Format
2.    Click on Bibliography.
3.    Select Harvard UL 2016 from the dropdown box beside Bibliographic Style
4.    If this is not available, click on the select favourites link.
5.    In the box that appears, scroll down until you find Harvard UL 2016. Click to highlight and then select ‘ Copy to Favourites’
Harvard UL will now be available to you in your list of bibliographic styles

Using Endnote Desktop and EndNote Online together

EndNote desktop and EndNote Online are separate applications and Microsoft word needs to be told which application you want to use for inserting references. To change between the applications:

  • Go to your word document.
  • Click on the  EndNote Tab,
  • Click on Preferences,
  • Click on Application and choose EndNote for EndNote desktop and EndNote Online for EndNote Online.

We recommend that you use only one application per document


Installing EndNote Desktop

UL Students and Staff members can install EndNote 21 on their personally owned computers as well as UL owned computers.

  • To install EndNote 21 on your UL build PC go to: Start > Programs > Specialist Software (or Install Software) > EndNote 21.
  • If you wish to install EndNote 21 on your personal computer you can request the installation files by contacting the Library using Ask Us 

Harvard UL for EndNote Desktop

The Harvard UL EndNote style has been updated to reflect the changes made to the Harvard style that UL uses as laid out in the 2016 edition of Cite It Right 4th Edition.

  • To install Harvard UL_2016, download Harvard UL_2016 style above.
  • Browse to the location on your computer where you downloaded the style.
  • Double-click on the style file to open it.
  • The style should open in EndNote.
  • In EndNote, go to the File menu and select Save as.
  • Click on the Save button.
  • You should then be able to select your style by going back to Word and using the drop-down Style menu to Select another style. You should now be able to see your style in the list and to select it.

The PDF document above details some additional instructions on how to use the different reference types in EndNote Harvard UL_2016 style in order to match exactly the item types included in the Cite It Right 4th Edition.

In EndNote Online, Harvard UL_2016 should be available as a style in the drop-down list in Word (or by choosing "Select Another Style"). If it is not listed then go to EndNote Online and select Format > Bibliography and click on "Select Favorites". Then select Harvard UL_2016 and copy to "My Favorites". Harvard UL_2016 will now be available in the drop-down list in Word.

EndNote Q&A session - online webinar

This session is hosted by EndNote.

This is an open question-and-answer drop-in webinar, much like a professor's office hours.  Drop in any time during the session to get answers about how to use EndNote.  Registration is required, but participants' identities will not be shared during the call.  

Upcoming sessions and registration is available on the EndNote training page

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