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Politics and Public Administration: Introduction

Welcome to the Glucksman Library guide supporting the Department of Politics and Public Administration in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Limerick.

Classification Gulde for books in Politics and Public Administration

070 - 072 Journalism, Political correspondents, Public Intellectuals
174 Ethics
190 - 194 Philosophy, Critical Theory
300 Social Theory
300.1 -  300.72; 519 Data, Research Methods, Qualitative and Quantitative; Statistics, Software and Methods
301.09415/7 Sociology of Ireland
302; 303.4 - 303.6+ Society, Social Psychology, Social movements, Violence, War, Negotiation, Conflict resolution, Peace
304.6 - 304.8 Genocide, Migration
305.1 - 305.5 - 305.8 ; 306 + - 307 Social Network Analysis, Poverty, Social Cohesion, Multiculturalism; Culture, Economic Sociology, Health, Sport, City - Urban and Rural
320 Introductory Political Studies, Justice Theory, Political Thinkers and Theorists
320.072 ; 320.3 Political Science Research Methodologies; Policy Research;  Comparative Political Research
320.4 - 320.5; 320.9 Political ideologies; National Politics; Party Politics
320.6 Policy Process and Analysis
321.07 Systems of Government, Plato, Utopia, Collapsed - Failed States
321.8 - 321.9 Democracy; Autocracy
322 Relations of the State with Organised Groups, Protests and Revolutionary Movements
323 Rights, Liberty, Equity
324 Political Parties
325+, 326 Ethnicity, Multiculturalism in Politics; Empire and Decolonization; Slavery
327 Foreign Policy, International Relations
328 National Legislatures and Parliaments
330 Economic Theory and Political Economy
336 Taxation and Public Finance
342.23 Irish Constitution
350 Public Service
351 Public Management and Administration; Civil Service Systems
352 Local Government; Budget Theory and Finance
353; 341.2 Bureaucracy; International Organizations
354 Administration of Specific Economies and Environments; Irish Administrative Systems
355 Armies and Warfare
362.509417 Social Exclusion and Urban Regeneration; Poverty
363 Policing, Terrorism, Catastrophe
914+; 941+ Political  - Historical Biographies; County and Local History and Geography


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