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Politics and Public Administration: Journals & Databases

Welcome to the Glucksman Library guide supporting the Department of Politics and Public Administration in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Limerick.

Finding an article on a reading list

Try this first:

You can look up articles in Library Search, our resource discovery service.

Put the exact title of the article in inverted commas.

If we can provide an instant link you will see the journal article displayed - click Online Access or Fulltext available online to access the text.


Next steps:

If we cannot provide a quick article link or it fails, then search for the name of the whole Journal instead of the article title e.g. "Journal of Common Market Studies"

For print-only journals you will be shown the location and shelfmark, so that you can locate the volume on the shelf

For electronic journals, click to link to the full journal and then navigate to the year, volume and issue that you want to see your article: or there may be an option to search for the article title provided by the online journal portal in which case key in the article in that box.


International Data

Major providers of data are Inter-governmental organisations (IGO's) including,

World Bank, United Nations, IMF,

World Health Organization,

International Labour Organisation,

OECD and EU.

Most national governments have

statistical agencies and many

governmental departments collect

and publish statistics.  Browse the

University of Auckland's 

OFFSTATS 'by country' to find

national statistical agencies.  To

find government

departments select a country and

then click on 'Government'

in WorldLII.  


Irish Census

The Irish Census is conducted and

made available by the Central

Statistics Office Ireland (CSO).

Here are useful CSO links to

relevant national, European and

International statistical


Key Databases for Politics & Public Administration

Library databases are electronic catalogs or indices, contain information about published items, and are searchable. 

Data Resources

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Scholarly journals have articles written by researchers who are considered experts in a field. These journals are also known as "peer-reviewed," "refereed" or "academic" journals.  Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is a scholarly journal.

Popular magazines have articles written by writers or journalists. Time or Newsweek are examples of popular journals.

Your reading list may contain many journal articles. These will mainly be available electronically but some may be available in print as well, or occasionally in print only.