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Research Profiles help to ensure your research is identifiable, they can increase the visibility of your research and help with promoting your research

Importance of Research Profiles

Once you have started publishing it is important for you to start capturing your research impact and research profiles are one way for you to do this. 

Like with publishing your research results, research profiles are a way for you to describe your research and show your impact. This is important for your career development & promotion. Throughout your career you will be asked for information about your research, you might be asked for this information for reviews such as a quality review, funding proposals, career progression and it is  also useful for potential collaborators to see what your research is in. 

Research profiles can also provide particular services such as Author Identifiers which make your research easier to find and track. 


Over 10,000 scholarly links are shared on Twitter every day. It is a very useful method of promoting your research to fellow academics and also engaging with industry, funders and the wider public. Twitter can also be used to keep up-to-date with emerging research, researchers and trends. The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) has produced a guide to using Twitter for academics (

The initial results of research have shown than highly tweeted articles are more likely to be highly cited than less-tweeted articles (Eysenbach, G. (2011). Can Tweets Predict Citations? Metrics of Social Impact Based on Twitter and Correlation with Traditional Metrics of Scientific Impact. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 13(4), e123.

Twiiter feed and logo

Author Identity

Author IDs help to ensure that your work can be easily identified, and properly credited and attributed to you. The single biggest issue we face in capturing research impact is identifying people, particularly those with similar or the exact same names. 

When you publish you provide your publisher with a wealth of information

  1. Your name, this is used to identify you. However what to do if you have a common name?
  2. Journal information, title, volume and pages are used for subject classification, date classification and for benchmarking against similar papers to give a field weighting.
  3. Your affiliation, identifies the institution you are employed by. This is used for University Rankings and to establish collaboration

All of this information is than harvested by external agencies like Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science. However they can and do make mistakes. In order for you to receive the benefit of your research impact it is important that we can identify you and link you to your research. Managing the information that is in your control is key to this. 

Profiles such as ORCID, Scopus ID and Publons from Web of Science can help ensure your research is correctly identified to you.