Publons Profile (ResearcherID) is similar to the Scopus Author Identifier, it is a unique identifier for individual researchers but the difference is that you create and maintain it yourself.
Your Publons profile is the public facing element of your Publons account where others can see your publications, verified peer reviews, verfified editorial board memberships and editor records.
If you register for on Publons you will be assigned a unique ID number that remains the same, regardless of whether your name or institution changes, and can:
Go to Publons registration page
If you already have ResearcherID or Endnote or Web of Science account you can log in using those credentials and start using Publons. If not, follow the instructions on the page to register with Publons.
You can link your ORCID to your Publons Profile. This is recommended because it enables you to import publications from ORCID to Publons.
To connect an account on Publons:
There are two ways to register for a Publons account:
Via Web of Science:
Once you have a Publons profile you can:
Web of Science Core Collection provides quick, powerful access to the world's leading citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers over 12,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and over 150,000 conference proceedings. You'll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900.
Adding via Web of Science, ORCID, DOI and EndNote
If available add publications to your ResearcherID publication list from Web of Science. This will provide you with a variety of ResearcherID citation metrics including your h-index, sum of times cited, articles with citation data.
You can add publications to your ResearcherID on Publons using the 4 options available. These options are available via the Publications menu item once logged into Publons.