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Open Access Publishing: Taylor and Francis Open Access Publishing Deal

The Glucksman Library's guide to assist researchers to publish their work Open Access

Taylor & Francis Open Access Deal

Introduction: this agreement gives current staff and students at participating institutions:

  • Access to current content from T&F’s Social Sciences and Humanities and Medical journal collections. This will include access to any new journals added to the collections during the Agreement. 
  • The ability to make their articles accepted for publication in eligible T&F journals open access without the author paying an article processing charge (APC). Further details below.

Agreement period: 1 Jan 2024 – 31 Dec 2026


Journal Coverage

The agreement covers over 2000 Open Select Journals

Article Types

Only original research papers are covered by the agreement.

The eligible article types are:

  • Article
  • Review
  • Research Article
  • Review Article
  • Report
  • Short Communication
  • Case Report
  • Note
  • Original Article
  • Guest Editorial

Some articles which are not original research papers, such as Editorials, Announcements, and Book Reviews, are not covered by this open access publishing agreement. If you have a question about eligible article types, please contact Taylor & Francis.

Author Information

Upon acceptance the author will be offered the option to publish Open Access based on the agreement. Once the author has selected open Access it will then be sent to the library for approval. If the Open Access allowance has been used for the year, the author will then be given the option of either paying the APC with their own research funds or publishing the article an a normal subscription article.

The author submission workflow text may give the impression that authors will be billed for the APC if they choose OA and are rejected by the library for APC funding. We can confirm that this will not happen, if rejected, authors will be offered a choice (OA and paying the APC from their own funds, or subscription access at no cost).  From later in 2021 the acceptance emails sent to authors will also make this clear.

The slides below describe the author workflow for this agreement.  


Author Affiliations

Corresponding authors must be a current staff member or student of UL.  

In the article submission process you must correctly identify your institution.

You should use your UL email address when submitting your article. 

If your manuscript is accepted for publication, the publisher will give you the opportunity to make your article Open Access and apply a Creative Commons license. The publisher will then contact the participating institution to confirm your eligibility under the agreement.